About me

"Thanks for dropping by..."

Don Crawford


I’ve been involved with photography in different capacities for over 25 years. Beginning in High School with a simple range finder camera, I progressed to using a Pentax K2 to learn the basics of photography techniques. Later I upgraded to the Pentax ME Super, one of the most advanced cameras of its time.

My interest in digital photography has grown since my first digital camera purchase in 1997. As a result of digital photography, my interest in photography was reawakened, allowing my creativity to develop. The advent of the desktop digital darkroom has allowed me to rework my images, correct, experiment and output enlargements with great satisfaction. Not since my high school days of B&W darkroom work have I felt I had control over my photographic images.

Since my introduction into digital photography, my interests in digital graphics and imaging has grown and developed as I've learned skills ranging from digital photography retouching, webpage design, business graphics, and even CMYK process commercial printing. Though not a vocation, I've found the learning process as well as the resulting creations very rewarding and is the reason for the building of this site.